Welcome to Dunktown!

Sparkball is a high-action ‘mobrawler’, affectionately described as League of Legends meets Rocket League.

It features two teams of four battling it out as whimsical heroes in super-fast WASD combat while simultaneously working together to score the ball into the enemy goal. Gone are the days of boring minions, lane pushing, and jungle clears, Sparkball gets you into the action and keeps you there as you master your ability to balance both brawlin’ and ballin’.

Sparkball is currently in Alpha and our first ever Early Access, “Ascension Weekend”, is taking place June 30th – July 3rd. Want to play?! Head over to the PLAY page now to redeem your code and get your key. Don’t have one yet? We’ve got an assortment of ways to find one down below in the F.A.Q!